15 years after Pauline’s murder, her elder sister, Lisa has to face Raphael release from prison. Raphaël, who always cried out his innocence. But Lisa is convinced that Raphaël is guilty. As a News reporter, she starts to investigate the case. Lisa’s attitude seems excessive to her friends and relatives. Her family felt apart after this drama. Is it the reason why she cannot stop chasing after Raphaël ?

  • Release date on France3 : October 25th, 2013/span>
  • Ratings : 3 020 000 viewerss, 13.6% share
  • Music : Éric Neveux
  • Writer : Sylvie Simon
  • Director : Olivier Langlois
  • Photography : Pascal Rabaud
  • Cast : Marie Denarnaud (Lisa), Pierre Perrier (Raphael), Jaïa Caltagirone (Lisa à 10 ans), Noémie Schmidt (Pauline), Jean-Yves BERTELOOT (Fred), Isabelle Renauld (Cécile), Marie-Christine Barrault (Hélène Maupin)